From our childhood, we have seen our mothers washing clothes in hot water as, according to them, hot water was more efficient in cleaning the dirt and stain from our clothes than cold water. The perception has been completely changed by the latest advanced detergent powders. One of the leading washing powder distributors in Kolkata says that the combination of a good quality detergent powder and cold water does wonders. It is safe to use cold water while washing clothes, especially coloured ones as cold water does not affect the colour of your clothes. Previously, our mothers and grandmothers used hot water to disinfect the clothes. Super power is a detergent powder that consists of ingredients that disinfect your clothes without using hot water. There are many more benefits of using cold water while washing clothes.
Fabrics and stains:
Coldwater does not harm the delicate fabrics of your clothes. Soft and bright clothes remain safe when washed in cold water, says the best detergent powder distributor in Kolkata. It has become a myth that hot water removes all the stains. The combination of cold water and Super Power detergent powder is capable of removing all the stains of dirt, oil, lipstick, and ink, etc. Hot water may react with certain stains and may develop wrinkles. Textile fabrics are extremely delicate ones, and even those do not get affected by cold water.
Shrinkage and colour:
We all have experienced this. We buy a dress, wear it once, and right after washing with hot water, it gets shrunk. But not anymore, says one of the top detergent powder distributors in Kolkata, who manufacture the best detergent powder available in the market named Super Power. Coldwater prevents your clothes from shrinking and allows both your colourful and white clothes to remain intact. Hot water may fade the colour of your attire. Coldwater is easier to tackle while washing your clothes as you can easily use your hands to rub the stains, whereas hot water may affect your hands too.
How to wash? The entire procedure:
First, take a bucket full of water. Pour one to two scoops of Super Power detergent powder. Mix it well using your hands. Don’t worry, your hands are safe in the hands of Super Power as it does not contain harmful ingredients. Then, add your clothes one by one. Try washing white clothes and colourful clothes separately to avoid any colour bleeding. Keep those to soak for a good 30 minutes. Then rub the portions of stains and then wash all the clothes well till there is no detergent powder left in your clothes. Let them dry under a shade away from sunlight to keep your fabrics intact. Iron your attires properly. Your dresses are all set to make you look more beautiful. Follow the steps provided by the best detergent powder distributor in Kolkata to keep your favourite clothes new for a long time.