
A baby has an immune system that is still evolving; therefore, they can catch infections and diseases from almost anywhere.

Did you know that one of the most neglected germ nests children are exposed to is their clothes? For newly-bought baby clothes, you must wash them before putting them on for your child. These clothes may be new to your closet, but it has been on store shelves for longer than you think! The clothes are exposed to many harmful bacteria when they hang on display in shops and many people touch them and make their babies try them on. The human hand is a source of harmful germs that can transfer on the clothes. If you make your child wear these clothes before washing them properly, it can make them sick.

Wash your baby’s clothes the RIGHT WAY with these tips from South East Chemicals, a detergent powder manufacturer in West Bengal:

How to wash a newborn baby’s clothes?

Use lukewarm water
While washing the baby’s clothes, it is important to check the water temperature. Baby’s clothes are made with soft fibre and milder components, making them more vulnerable to the effects of hot water. If you wash your baby’s clothes in excessive heat, it can make them shrink and cause damage.

Using the ideal detergent
Remember, a newborn’s skin is softer and more sensitive than an adult’s. Therefore, using regular detergent with bleach and chemicals can cause rashes, allergic reactions and, in some cases, even cut the baby’s skin, says the detergent powder manufacturer in West Bengal.
Hence, you should make sure you use a clean and safe detergent to keep your baby’s skin safe. The Super Power detergent powder does not contain bleach or any harmful chemicals. It keeps your baby’s clothes soft and vibrant colours intact while protecting your baby’s skin.

Soak before and after the wash
Babies spill milk, vomit, burp and drool and it is their clothes that endure the most of it, which can cause a build-up of bacteria. Therefore, to make sure you kill most bacteria, you should soak your baby’s clothes in warm water before washing for 30 minutes. After soaking, wash the clothes with detergent and normal water and again soak them in warm water for some time. Then, get them out of the water and hang them to dry. This helps disinfect the clothes and get rid of any residual detergent.

Dry them properly
Ensure that the baby’s clothes are completely dry, as wearing damp clothes can cause fungal infections. If possible, dry the clothes in sunlight, says South East Chemicals, a detergent powder manufacturer company in Jharkhand & West Bengal.